Monday, 23 January 2012

A bit late...

...but here is our weekend summary!

Erm...we did nothing!  On Saturday me and Toby didn't even get dressed! Haha.

Here he is chilling in his pjs "reading" a book

Rudy used the time to catch up on his e-mails

Haha, i took that on Saturday afternoon and i just love it! :)

We just had a nice lazy weekend, which i think was what we needed after what was, in fairness, a bit of a pants week!

Chris was home for most of it, which was nice, although he started feeling unwell yesterday and thinks he might have a chest infection so is currently in bed :(

Before he started feeling totally rubbish though we did some painting!

It was a messy affair but a lot of fun! Here are the finished products:

And here are mine and Toby's handprints

And Chris and Toby's handprints

I briefly, for one mad moment, thought about trying to get one of Rudy's handprints but then decided that as he was a little tired and grumpy it was probably not the best idea so we'll save that fun for another time ;)

So a fairly quiet weekend for us but in a good way.

I'll finish with a photo of the boys together- just because they're cute when they're not driving me slightly insane ;)

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